Milk Silo

Milk Silo Manufacturers/Suppliers/Exporters in Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad (PCMC), Aurangabad, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore (Bengaluru), Coimbatore, Kerala

Rupesh Equipments, offer Milk Silo manufacturer, supplier, exporter in Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad (PCMC), Aurangabad, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore (Bengaluru), Coimbatore, Kerala are responsible for providing the safe and hygienic Silos to the dairy industry.

Milk Silo suppliers and exporters in Pune offer a wide range of Milk Silo at affordable rates. We also provide customized solutions according to your needs. We are always ready to help you out with our expert team that will help you get the most out of your investment.

Exclusive Features!

Milk Silo is a device that is used to store milk in a safe and hygienic manner. It is designed for automated storage of milk which allows for increased efficiency and safety. Capacity of Milk Silos is 5Kl to 1lakh KL

The Features of Milk Silo containers are: -

  • These container structures can be used to store milk at a temperature of 40 to 45 degrees Celsius.
  • It has a built-in pump that circulates the milk within the silo.
  • It has an automatic feeder that feeds the milk into the silo without human intervention.
  • The material used in its construction is stainless steel which makes it durable and long lasting.
  • These silos have high level of hygiene and require minimal maintenance.

Why select “Rupesh Equipments”?

  • The Milk Silo suppliers and exporters in Pune provide the quality products at competitive rates.
  • We make sure that your orders are delivered on time.
  • Our team is available 24x7 for any assistance.
  • We have a dedicated team of experts to help you with any kind of queries.
  • We also offer Milk Silos manufacturers in Pune Maharashtra that are available in various colors, shapes, sizes and capacities.

Industries we deal with: -

  • Dairy
  • Food
  • Beverage
  • Production
  • Manufacturing, and
  • Pharmaceutical

Benefits: Milk Silo Manufacturers in Pune

  • Storage capacity: The silos can store up to 3,000 liters of milk at a time. This is enough for the entire day's production in the farm.
  • Processing speed: It can process up to 10 liters per minute with high efficiency and accuracy.
  • Dispensing speed: It can dispense up to 100 liters per minute.
  • Safe: It is made of stainless steel, which prevents milk from getting damaged and makes it easy to clean.
  • Environmental: It does not require costly chemicals or other materials to maintain its quality.
  • Capacity expansion: The silo can be expanded if necessary with a simple installation.

Products Range

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